Private membership to recover & thrive after a lifetime of rejection and abuse from origin family 


Growing up being gang bullied by 'mom', 'dad', 'brother(s)' and 'sister(s)' is the most severe form of psychological abuse a human can endure.  


It’s society's big taboo ⚠️ 🤫 🤐 🤯

This Online Program is for you if: 


💔 The parents were unable and unwilling to stop hurting you despite all your efforts to 'fix' your family relationships

💔 The parents tell you they love you but you feel anxious and hyper-vigilant around them

💔 You desperately want a resolution to the difficult dynamics you experience with your family

💔 Other people (including healing professionals) have invalidated your experience leaving you feeling very isolated and wondering if you're the problem (as your family tell you you are).

You ask yourself "Am I the crazy one?" 

❤️ You want to move on with your life and experience peace, freedom and happiness


We’ll guide you through the information and tools you need to release  the debilitating programming you took on, as a result of growing up in a dysfunctional home being raised by adults with abusive, violent and sadistic behaviours.



Mary Toolan

CEO at Scapegoat Child Recovery Ltd


As a former family scapegoat helping people heal from this horrific taboo trauma is now my life’s work.

Our private membership has been supporting our courageous clients since May 2020.   The unique program delivers a healing roadmap that achieves proven results.


❤️‍🩹 Learn the specific tools to heal all the core wounds of scapegoat child abuse

🧑‍🎓 Access the 8 week Healing Roadmap, monthly Q&A calls, private Facebook group & bonus classes

🌎 Join our friendly, supportive, confidential, global online community of brave souls on the same healing path as you





  • We might be concerned that healing will tap into an overwhelming reservoir of repressed pain.  Healing can be painful.  The thing is -  NOT healing is ALSO painful. 


    In the SCR membership we show you how to titrate the healing process and provide you with effective tools to prevent overwhelm. 


    Not addressing deep rooted beliefs such as ‘I’m worthless’, ‘There’s something wrong with me’ and ‘I’m bad’ means life will simply continue to reflect these beliefs back to us.  And that’s PAINFUL. 


    In the SCR membership we have a whole module on healing from these limiting beliefs and we help members heal these every month. 


    When we don’t have a relationship with our inner child they can be in the driving seat of our life operating from survival strategies born from our childhood.  Not knowing HOW to foster a loving relationship with the abandoned inner child means we never get to experience life as an empowered adult. 


    This is such a key skill that you receive simple effective tools from module 1 in the SCR membership to help you with exactly this.


    Being bullied in the workplace and social settings is extremely re-traumatising.  It wreaks havoc on our life making it impossible to create healthy human connection. 


    In the SCR membership you’ll learn how and why your brain is responding to amplify and re-create childhood trauma.  We’ll help you circumnavigate the neural pathways and learn how to help your nervous system feel SAFE with healthy people.  Game Changer.


So glad I found it!

The first 3 modules of the course gave me the courage to confront and finish two bully relationships in my life. It’s astounding. 

Many many thanks. 


You've helped me to access something that 20 years of therapy danced around, and countless self-help books missed. I do not have to take on someone else's abuse, blame, and shame. This is a game-changer.



Scapegoat Recovery Monthly Membership + Program


Billed monthly

  • Immediate access to the life changing online program
  • Twice-monthly group calls with Mary to support your healing & answer your questions
  • Access to the welcoming & supportive private SCR Facebook group
  • Lots more resources, tools and education in the library 

JOIN NOW AT 🇬🇧 GBP£97/mo

JOIN NOW AT 🇺🇸 USD$125/mo

Scapegoat Recovery Yearly Membership + Program


Once off payment (can be manually renewed every year if desired)

  • Yearly Membership savings of £167

  • BONUS // FREE Instant Access to my Get Rid of Depression online course! (Only for members who purchase the yearly membership) Valued at £197

  • Immediate access to the life changing online program

  • Twice-monthly group calls with Mary to support your healing & answer your questions
  • Access to the welcoming & supportive private SCR Facebook group
  • Lots more resources, tools and education in the library 



Going through the course material has been a game changer for me.

I'm so glad I found you and you validated my experience, I used to feel like I imagined everything.

SCR member

This course is AMAZING

8 weeks on Mary's course was the end of a 30 year search for answers. 

The way Mary structured the course is just brilliant.

Gregg Patten 

Mary’s work is inspiring

- it gave me the courage to stand in my power and speak my truth.. even louder for the people at the back!

Before I started the programme, I had been in talk therapy for 15 years and had left no stone unturned when it came to healing and personal development.  Mary’s course felt like the missing piece that helped me step fully into my power and take back my voice.

Mary has incredible knowledge about toxic family dynamics, inner child healing and she brings that to life with real life examples. 

I wasn’t overwhelmed because the material is in bite size chunks and very practical - it could be fitted around my day to day life.

The community is safe, kind and supportive.  Mary is super generous with her time and wisdom.  She is full of courage to tell the truth about this very taboo topic.  That energy is very contagious and gave me permission to do the same.

I’m so glad I’ve had the opportunity to work with her in this way.  Thank you so much Mary.  Grateful for your warrior like spirit and generous heart.

Lisa (U.K)


I enjoyed this course so much.

I really appreciated the daily videos of Mary explaining the latest topic and then the very succinct pdf that I could easily understand and take in.

I have had a lot of trauma and get triggered very easily and I found Mary's videos to be very soothing even though the subject matter is the most painful we will face.

The biggest gift I received from this course was finding self compassion for the first time in my life.

Christina R.

I am so grateful I signed onto this course.

It is brilliantly designed and was perfect for me at this point in my life. I received a lot, even as a seasoned therapist, the course enabled me to address aspects of my life that I had not yet addressed/looked at. 

It doesn't matter how much we've done, the course just takes us where we are, so we can move beyond and beyond and beyond.  I have already recommended the course to several people!


"I have learnt more about myself and achieved more healing in the first 4 weeks of this course than in around 15 hours of 1 to 1 therapy with 2 different psychologists this year (2022)".


Mary Toolan has a razor sharp insight into toxic dynamics.

Her course will cut away all the doubt you have been living with and help you to move forward into a better life. I am extremely grateful and offer to her my whole hearted encouragement.
course participant 

Wow, what an amazing course.

So much content and tools given to better understand and heal. The support through the course was wonderful, thank you so much Mary.  Definitely recommend this to anyone who is looking to kick start the healing journey.                             A.M

Finally discovering true freedom!

Cathy Postra

I was very happy with the dedication and hard work Mary put into the course. The course was well researched and easy to follow.


Bless you, Mary! You are the silver lining.

Mary Toolan's Scapegoat Child Recovery program is exactly what I needed to guide me through the necessary but tough process of reconnecting with my younger selves, with lots of gentleness, newfound awareness of what I went through and tools to integrate all aspects of what made me who I am today.

It brings out the wiser, grounded adult version of you more pronounced than the easily triggered old self.

At the end of it, I have hopes of having much more control over my responses to outer situations, besides the inner calm that comes after being validated for our personal dark secrets.
course participant

Thank you, Mary for putting this course together on such important work.

I found it helpful to differentiate all the feelings, beliefs, and messages that were pumped in from my family and define them. I especially related to the striving wound. I'm glad I found you online and look forward to more courses and information.
course participant

It was extremely validating 

to have a course instructor for the first time in my life who seems to actually understand what I have gone through. 

Prior to participating in this program I had done years of therapy. None of the therapists I had seen had any insight into the crazy dynamic of my family.

course participant 

Life Changing

This course gave me so many insights and let me grieve the loss of what I thought my family was and let me stand in reality of what is .  I have much more work to do but I can do it being grounded in truth and knowing I am my own safe place.


Loved it so much!

Practical and actionable ways of becoming more creative as a result, all delivered in bite-sized pieces, without feeling overwhelmed! I so loved getting my daily lesson and exercises!!

I have been trying to re-kindle my own creative spark after years of turning my back on it and I have found Mary’s course invaluable.

What I loved most was that the course comes in daily, bite-sized pieces which makes it super-actionable and less overwhelming.

No one really wants to talk/ think/ journal about things that were painful along our journey and having a guide like Mary, who is so knowledgeable and empathetic, and also gives you super-useful tools to deal with ALL of this makes it less daunting.

Even though I have no siblings and I was a bit taken aback by the word “scapegoat” in the title I could totally relate to ALL of the topics in this class. Perfectionism, constant criticism, bullying, being shamed/ mocked for your creativity and your creative endeavours, they all are behaviours that leave deep marks, especially when they are being done by your main caregiver from an early age. And unless we address these wounds consciously we, later on, as adults, take in all of these behaviours, internalize them and then hurt ourselves just like we’ve seen it done to us while growing up. (hello addictions, ocd, gossip, people-pleasing etc). which is tragic, because a life with no creativity is a very sad and lonely place.

The world right now needs more magic in it, more storytellers, performers, believers in all-things-possible, painters, artists, musicians. And by doing inner-child work and learning to BE that parent that supports and cheers our inner child is what can make room in our lives for more creativity, more fun, and more joy.

Thank YOU, Mary! I look forward to see what you’re going to do next!!



We look forward to welcoming and supporting you. 😊

Please click here if you have any questions.